Friday, January 3, 2014

A New Skein

Welcome to my exciting knitting adventures!  I am a passionate knitter who loves to learn all about yarny crafting and this site will be my vessel.

For those who do not know me directly, I come from a long line of crafters. My mom and grandmothers sewed, decorated, painted, & needle pointed. My dad liked to latch-hook. I feel very fortunate to have been around artists in their own respect and they encourage these arts throughout my life. My passion of knitting came as a result; that and boredom. About five years ago when my daughter was 2, I needed something to do that was just for me; my own little escape that wouldn't be overly expensive start up-wise, able to be portable with a toddler in tow and something that could be considered fun and useful. After researching a few ideas, I came across knitting and crocheting. When I asked my mom which craft I should do, she told me that she could teach me how to knit. From my first meager swatch of Red Heart variegated yarn, size 8 straight needles and learning the knit stitch, I was hooked and haven't looked back.
Learning the knit stitch
My first swatch

Now over 300+ projects and eight designs later as documented in Ravelry, I can say that I still love to knit. I have found my passion. I enjoy knitting for charity, I enjoy teaching others and I love learning new techniques to make myself a better knitter.

In fact, to make sure I stay on track, I decided to make a few knitting goals for myself this year:
  • Begin the Master Knitter Course
  • Learn how to make pleats for Natalie's Easter dress
  • Learn 2-color double-knitting
  • Make an illusion project
  • Design and publish 3 patterns
  • Make a filet crochet project
Thanks for joining me in my journey. I hope that although this blog will be about me and my crafting, that I will be able to impart some useful hints and tips your way that might motivate you to learn something new.

Knit on.